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Facilitation / Mediation / Due Process

If you have problems or disagreements concerning your child’s special education program you have the right to take steps to resolve your areas of disagreement. Both the Federal Law (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act – IDEA’04) and the State Law (PA Regulations and Standards) give you that right. If you have tried to work with your child’s school and have not resolved your concerns and you believe that your child’s special education rights have been violated, you can request a:


·        IEP/IFSP Facilitation: A voluntary process that can be used when all parties agree that it is beneficial to have a neutral third party at an IEP meeting to help facilitate communication and the drafting of the IEP:


·        Mediation Session: A voluntary process that assists families of children with disabilities and schools resolve their different viewpoints on a child’s special education program.  Attorneys can attend only if the family’s attorney attends. For more information:


There are two types of mediation: facilitative and evaluative.  For more information go to:


·        Due Process Hearing (DPH) are similar to court.  The education agency will have an attorney therefore – although it is not mandatory – we recommend for a parent to have an attorney representing them, if possible. However, if a parent cannot have a lawyer this should not discourage them from requesting a Due Process Hearing.


Once a Due Process Hearing is requested, the Intermediate Unit should schedule a Resolution Session to try to solve the issues within 15 days of the DPH request.  If both you and the school district agree to waive the resolution session and go straight to a due process hearing then the Office of Dispute Resolution has 30 calendar days to conduct the Due Process Hearing, and the decision should be rendered within 45 days, unless an extension is granted. You can also agree to go to a Mediation Session instead of a Resolution Session.  For more information on DPH, go to:


For official forms click here:    

For Forms in other languages, look at the top left side of your screen and it says “Google”, click on the arrow and select your preferred language.




·         Put your request in writing.


·         Make sure you put the date on your request  


·         Keep a copy for your archives


Website disclaimer:


The information in this website is intended to be educational, and is not legal advice.  HUNE will maintain the information on this website and update it as needed. To verify the information on this website and its application to your individual circumstances, you may wish to contact us at 215-425-6203 or


While HUNE tries to ensure that all resources and links on this site are up-to-date, we cannot be responsible for the content of other sites and does not endorse the resources, for it is for informational purposes only  If you are aware of any inaccurate information on this website or a link that has changed or been discontinued, please contact our Webmaster.


No materials published on the HUNE website may be commercialized in any manner without the expressed authorization of HUNE.  HUNE assumes no liability for the consequences of using the information on this website to advocate for yourself, your child or other children.


Descargo de responsabilidad del sitio web:


La información en este sitio web tiene el propósito de ser educativa, y no es un consejo legal. HUNE mantendrá la información en este sitio web y la actualizará según sea necesario. Para verificar la información en este sitio web y su aplicación a sus circunstancias individuales, puede contactarnos al 215-425-6203 o


HUNE intenta asegurarse de que todos los recursos y enlaces en este sitio estén actualizados, no podemos ser responsables por el contenido de otros sitios y no respalda los recursos, ya que es solo para fines informativos.  Si identifica cualquier información inexacta en este sitio web o un enlace que ha cambiado o ha sido descontinuado, comuníquese con nuestro Webmaster.


Ningún material publicado en el sitio web de HUNE puede ser comercializado de ninguna manera sin la autorización expresa de HUNE.  HUNE no asume ninguna responsabilidad por las consecuencias del uso de la información en este sitio web para abogar por usted mismo, sus niños u otros niños.

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