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Laws that require PBI:



The Pennsylvania Regulations and Standards, Section 14.133, requires that “Positive rather than negative measures shall form the basis of behavior support programs”. It also requires that a variety of techniques based on the child’s individual needs be used in order to ensure a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), and that it be the least intrusive necessary.



The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), requires that positive intervention be used to help a child learn more acceptable alternative behaviors.



What is PBI?



PBI’s idea is to develop practical strategies for preventing and reducing problem behaviors. It is used to design effective environments to improve teaching and learning. PBI focuses on changing the environment in order to ensure a positive approach to situations. Children with Problem Behaviors require comprehensive behavioral supports that involve family, school and community participation.



What is FBA?



A Functional Behavior Assessment is the evaluation that is used to determine whether a child needs a Behavior plan which includes Positive Behavior Interventions.   



How is an FBA done?



Through observation and input from people close to the child with problem behavior, for example; teachers, caregivers and parents.




When performing a FBA you should look for:



  •  what events cause or condition the behavior; 



  • what one does; 



  • what happens as a result of the behavior; 



  • how often they occur




How and where would you request an FBA?



You can request a FBA through your School. Put your request in writing, keep a copy for your records, make sure you date your letter, and state on your request that you are giving your consent for the Functional Behavioral Assessment to be performed on your child

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