Educator Toolkit
HUNE Youth Program: HYP Curriculum and Lesson Plans
Plus an Online Teaching Strategy Resource for Educators
HUNE’s Youth Program (HYP) is funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), Bureau of Special Education (BSE) through the SSIP via the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN).
The resources and information in this toolkit is intended to for educational purposes only, for we do not endorse any specific resources or information. HUNE will maintain the information on this website and update it as needed. For comments or concerns regarding the information on this website, you may contact us at 215-425-6203 or or contact our Webmaster.
Copyright disclaimer:
HUNE materials are copyrighted, however, please feel free to share and use the information and resources shared. If you have questions, please contact us at 215-425-6203 to discuss further. No materials published on the HUNE website may be commercialized in any manner without the expressed authorization of HUNE. HUNE assumes no liability for the consequences of using the information on this website.